Scary Logos Wiki


Zengena Haiq Entertainment is a film company from Ethiopia.

Logo (2000s-2010s)[]

Visuals: Over a black background with a blue/light blue ground, lightning strikes, making the ground ripple like water as a cursive "Z" rises out from the ground. The "Z" spins in fast speed as "Zengena Haiq Entertainment" rises up from the rippling ground as the camera moves to face the letter and company name, before the "Z" stops spinning. Two lens flares, one red and one colored blue moves across the logo, one moves to the left and one moves to the right, after the lens flare moves, the letter moves a bit higher to the screen, and a stretched script "Z" draws in on top of the letter, and another one fades in under the letter. The ground stops rippling with a fade in effect as yellow Amharic text zooms in under the letter from the left part of the screen before a phone number fades in on the ground.

Technique: CGI and computer animation.

Audio: A dramatic theme with a thunderclap when the thunder strikes on the ground.

Scare Factor: Low to nightmare, the dramatic sounding music, along with the cheap animation can be pretty scary to many Ethiopians. The thunder and the dark background can make it worse, but it's a cheap looking logo, and it may lower the scare factor to some.
