ZBM is a television channel from Bermuda, owned by CBS. The channel shutdown in an unknown year of the 2010's.
1st Ident (1958)[]
Visuals: Over a gray background, contains a compass shape with N, E, W and S on each four points on the compass in a tilted symbol. Inside it are the words "ZBM", with ""TV" on top and under of the second letter of the three letters. Under it is the text "Bermuda Radio and Television Co. Ltd.".
Technique: A still printed image.
Audio: None.
Scare Factor: None to minimal, due to the design of the logo.
2nd Ident (1958-1959)[]
Visuals: Over a black background, contains the text "ZMB TV". Under it is the number 10 with the zero being the CBS eye logo, underneath it is the country name.
Variant: There is a variant, where the texts are in the different font, with "ZBM" replaced with "ZBK". The CBS eye logo is replaced with the United States Air Force logo.
Technique: A still printed image.
Audio: None.
Scare Factor: Low.
3rd Ident (Mid 1960's-1971)[]
Visuals: Over a black background, contains a country of Bermuda with it having a grid outline of a diamond shape coming out of the country. the CBS eye logo with the cutout letters spelling the television name on it, and next to it is the channel's name in a Serif, italic font.
Technique: A still printed image.
Audio: None.
Scare Factor: Minimal to low, due to the logos look and design.
4th Ident (1971-1984)[]
Visuals: Over an image of a lake with a sand landscape and trees next to it, the CBS logo is shown in a indigo color with the number "10" inside the pupil with "ZBM BERMUDA" under the logo.
Technique: A still image.
Audio: None.
Scare Factor: None to minimal.
5th Ident (1984-1988)[]
Visuals: Only an image exists; over a black screen inside a TV, the text "ZBM-10" is shown in a font made by lines with rounded lines on the screen.
Technique: Unknown.
Audio: Unknown.
Scare Factor: Possibly none to minimal?.
6th Ident (1988-unknown retirement year)[]
Visuals: Only an image exists; over a black background, the globe of the earth is seen at the center of the screen. Behind it is the small text "ZBM", and under the small letters is the big lowercase letters "n9ne" with the end line of the number is the lowercase tilted letter "i". A rounded blue bar with "BERMUDA" on it is under the logo.
Technique: Unknown.
Audio: Unknown.
Scare Factor: Possibly none to low?.
7th Logo (2012-2010's)[]
Visuals: Over a stock moving white/blue background, the right upper part of the screen shows a TV in a room with a man in a green screen wall in the TV with an unknown black and white transparent image with a TV effect over the footage. The footage cuts to blue background with moving lights moving to the right with the country of Bermuda transparent with a yellow shiny ring, a bolded 9 zooms out as "ZBM" zooms out letter by letter next to the number as the rig thickens in disappears, a spark of light flies around this and the text "NEWS" comes out from under the letter before a small explosion of the CBS eye logo occurs on the lower right corner of the screen, and two thick and thin brown lines wipes at the left of the screen.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: The ending theme of the promo.
Scare Factor: Low.