Scary Logos Wiki


The Yotsuba of Doom is a fanmade screamer logo of the user named "Ieatahamburgir".


We start off with a 20th Television logo either fading in or popped up. Before the TCF-TV logo ends, a Yotsuba (Yotsuba&!) face with angry eyes open crashes the logo along with the screen. Afterwards, she zooms out, vibrating out slow, zoom blur and brightening the screen. After she zooms out, the logo fade out quick with a zoom blur excluding the screen, growling out loud and when her face is finished, the screen is still broken into a million pieces.


When the TCF-TV logo is seen, the usual TCF-TV theme plays, which soon gets cut with the Yotsuba's face shouting with angry eyes open with bumps when her face crashes the screen, we hear a loud glass shattering sound accompanied with a monster scream (from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R that ВИD found and upload it to YouTube) while the five-note fanfare of the ВИD logo plays.

Scare Factor[]

It depends:

  • Original variant: Low to medium. The TCF-TV logo is either frightening or not, but the Yotsuba's face coming almost out of the nowhere can be quite jarring to people. For other viewers it might not be that much of jarring, and kind of humorous as well, in particular if you are a fan of Yotsuba&! or you're familiar with Yotsuba's character.
  • Warped music and warp speed variants: Medium to high. The fact that the music is warped/sped-up do not help, including for those who could expect original version.

Anyways, it's not as frightening as the "logo" for the ВИD of Doom, and it can be hilarious instead.


Add it if you might make the video of it.
