Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki


Visuals:On a black background are several shots of a green "Y". When the "Y" is shown in its normal position, the word "YESTERDAY" appears in the middle, unaffected by the actions happening around the "Y".



Action:Several gunshots being fired at the "Y" in slow motion.

Flame:A flaming fire and burn marks on the "Y".

Forest:Tree autumn leaves falling around the "Y".

Mystery:Lighting up a blue flashlight over the "Y".


Audio:Deep humming noise and high hisses, with additional sound effects depending on the variant. The sound design is by Massive music.

Scare Factor:

Action:Low To High. It Can Scare People When It Comes To Gunshots, But The Y Doesn't Help.

Flame:High To Nightmare. It Was Very Scary When It Goes To Flames, So Much So, People Gets Scared Of This.


Forest:Nightmare. While The Leaves Don't Help, What Helps Is The Darkness. Joining Cocinor.

Mystery:Medium To High. It Scares People Whenever When They're Afraid Of The Dark. But However, The Flashlight Doesn't Help It Increase The Scare Factor.
