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Scary Logos Wiki


Yeeb Yam Hmoob Production is a film company in Hmong, USA.

Logo (2000's)[]

Yeeb Yam Hmoob Productions (2000's)

Visuals: A black screen is first shown, then a weird dissolving transition starts disappearing the screen, revealing a yellow background with a white circle containing a film camera with a cheap designed film reel with a white/blue cap on it and with two curvy lines (filmstrips) on it. Under it is the text "YEEB YAM HMOOB" in a orange/dark red color is seen under the circle with "PRODUCTION" under the text.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: A trumpet/horn fanfare.

Availability: Seen on Abandoned Fate 2.

Scare Factor: None to medium, if you don't like the loud fanfare and the darkness at the start, along with the long animation.
