Scary Logos Wiki


Urduflix is an online company from Pakistan.

Logo (Late 2010s)[]

Visuals: A red blinking circle with a dot inside it is seen over a black background which blinks a few times. It then expands into line, which also expands into a white background with a red clapboard spinning as the zooms in. The clapboard claps as four gray wavy lines come out of it, before spinning again and moves up as four more lines, two gray and two red appears under the clapboard before it claps again, making the background turn black. The clapboard becomes an outline and morphs into a play symbol as the five squares falls down from the screen during this while the play symbol turns white before spinning in to the screen. The play symbol moves out to the left, revealing the text "URDUFLIX", with the "I" being a red abstract shape.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: A buzzing noise is heard when the circle and dot blinks, which is followed by a dreamy synth tune with a clap sound as the clapboard claps, then a hit from a drum and a hit when the play symbol moves.

Scare Factor: Low, the red color can quite scare some, but the music sounds dreamy.
