Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1984)[]

Just a static logo under a salmon background with the blue text:



and a lightning bolt over a blue circle, or a "thunderball".

2nd logo (1984-1985)[]

It starts out on a blue background. The blue color shrinks into a ball on a dark background and zooms out into the upper center portion of the screen. After it heads toward the background, it flashes and turns into the typical thunderball, and the whole background lights up with "TOUCHSTONE FILMS" at the bottom in navy blue text. Essentially, it's an animated version of the last logo.


On fullscreen versions of Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend, as that film was shot in 2.35:1, the logo was squeezed vertically to fit the standard TV aspect ratio, so the circle became an vertical oval.

3rd logo (1985-2003)[]

On a black background, a blue oblong moves from the right side of the screen to the left. As it shrinks to the left of the screen, the stacked text "TOUCHSTONE PICTURES" slides next to it. After the oblong morphs into a blue ball, the text shines from right to left before hitting the ball. After the text hits the ball, the usual thunderbolt appears on it.


  • For the first two years of this logo's use, "FILMS" was seen instead of "PICTURES". The "shining" of the letters is also difficult to see. This version appeared on My Science Project, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Off Beat, Ruthless People, and The Color of Money.
  • The positioning of the logo varies. Earlier variants were in the middle; for the rest of the logo's run, it was on the bottom.

4th logo (2002-2016)[]

On a black background, the lightning bolt from the previous logo streaks in. It zooms back onto a 3D sphere. After that, the text


P   I   C   T   U   R   E   S

in the style you see here zooms out, at first a shadow then is lit up.


Sometimes, the logo is tinted blue.





A "wind-blowing" sound followed by a "chime" during the flash part of the animation. In other cases, it's silent.


An eerie tune that begins with eerie synthesized bells, ending in a "twang" when the circle and thunder meet.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

  • The closing logo is normally silent, but sometimes has the closing theme ending over it.
  • Sometimes, it has the opening theme starting over it.
  • Some movies, like The Color of Money and The Waterboy, the opening theme starts over it to sync up with the animation.


Same as the previous one but with a single echo-ey synth tune in place of the "twang". Some films use the music from the 3rd Logo. Usually, the film's theme or silence is used.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]


2nd logo[]

Low. The sound effects used may catch a viewer unaware.

3rd logo[]

  • Normal: Low to medium. The music may frighten viewers, but this is a great logo, and it is a favorite of many.
  • Silence and the Opening/Closing Theme: None.

4th logo[]

Minimal for the silent and film music versions, and low to medium for the version with the 3rd logo's music.
