(1980's): We see a green laser pass through from the top right of the screen on a space background. Stars are moving towards the viewer. This laser creates a large flash as the stars keep moving. More lasers of many different colors keep moving from all directions toward the center of the screen. All of the sudden, "TOP" in a red outline begins to zoom in. The letters shine. The logo then zooms back out, and a laser shoots an outline around the logo that is the same color as the lettering. "VIDEO PRODUCTION CO. LTD" is also etched in. The logo has a chrome look now, with a blue background. The letters are now gold. Korean text begins to appear suddenly after this. It becomes chrome just as the logo did previously.
The jingle used in the "It's Showtime" ID used in the Home Game logo, which segues into a triumphant fanfare.
Scare Factor[]
Low to medium. A space-themed logo with a lot of zooming, along with the music, can scare younger viewers.