Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1980's)[]

Same as ATA Video and Mega Video, but the lines are red and instead of "ATA VIDEO" or "MEGA VIDEO", the text is "TEMPLE VIDEO"


On a black background, we see the sun rising over the ruins of a red temple. Below it, we see the words "TEMPLE VIDEO" in a black box surrounded by a green outline.



A synthesized version of Keith Mansfield's "Superstar Fanfare", which was also used for the 2nd Cyclo Video logo.

2nd logo[]

The held synth note, which is taken from Keith Mansfield's "Superstar Fanfare (k)".

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

Same as ATA Video and Mega Video.

2nd logo[]

Low. The darkness and music will frighten some, but it's mostly cheesy.

