Scary Logos Wiki


Television Tonga is a television channel from Tonga.

Ident (2013)[]

Visuals: The screen zooms into the planet earth over space before fading to a map with a red highlight on the country Tonga. It fades to the country of Tonga with a transparent image of the flag of Tonga, and fades to footage of the country scenery, beaches, people and ships. After this, the screen fades to the globe over a dark blue background with the spaced-out text "T E L E V I S I O N" and a red line under it, as the text "TONGA" flies up from the bottom of the screen.

Technique: CGI mixed with live-action footage.

Audio: A clam ukulele theme.

Scare Factor: None, it's a calming logo from Tonga.
