Scary Logos Wiki

1st (known) Logo (October 28, 1956-1960)[]

First shown a transmission antenna on a globe (a la RKO). Later on, transmission waves running across the screen was shown. Finally is the giant word TVE approaching the screen, completing the logo.


A mix between model work and cel animation.


An orchestra tune.

Scare Factor[]

Medium. The music would startle some people.

2nd (known) Logo (1977-1982)[]

There are multiple copies of the text "tve" in a rainbow-colored font sliding down from the top, changing perspective when they come to the center of the screen.


An ominous synth tune that begins with solemn bells and segues into a synth-accordion type theme.



It showed up before the show starts. Video feedback effects.

Scare Factor[]

Minimal. The music is charming and people who relax the music.

3rd (known) Logo (1980-1984)[]

The ident starts with the same text "tve" zooms in from before. Revealing backgrounds as a mascot Mosca Braulia (feature in a TV show) would do anything and causes injury as the said text zooms out. Here is the remain IDs:

  • Plugs: Mosca is riding a rope, standing on a ball. As it reachup and and says something (albeit muted) and then grabs the rope. Next, a plug is shown as it zooms out while Mosca grabs it as another plug shows and grabs it, while the next plug tries to grab, but it got electrocuted, making Mosca shocked and causes an injury.
  • Zipper: First shown a zipper as Mosca appears and gets excising (albeit muted for same reason above). It gets on to a zipper, as it does, it zooms away, Mosca riding a zipper comes down the hill, until it stops as Mosca trips over and crashes to a white background.
  • Telefilm: A giant letter T is shown on a beige background as Mosca appears from a jungle rope, which gets down and forms to a cop and the letters change from E to M as Mosca do performance. After that, it zooms down a little bit as the giant letter M falls down as as Mosca shocks and run away, leaving the hat staying here.
  • Instruments: Mosca first appears from the trumpet, and as it flies and presses buttons of it, stare can be seen directing the fist and half of this. And as it spins over the saxophone, and lands on a drum, and as it taps, and then a drum stick hits it. It was almost like an intro for the series.
  • Infantil: Mosca was first flying on a white background, the blocky text "INFANTI" dodges and walks on. The animation repeats one time until the green blocky letter L appears and as Mosca sits on it, until a Jack-In-The-Box clown on a string opens and Mosca jumps away.


Traditional animation.


A synth theme as Mosca does anything, ending with a 1 note synth drop and a thud. Playing the whole sequence over the idents. However, the instruments ID has a sped up remixed of the Ident, and the Infanti ID has a spring boing sound replaces the last thud sound.


It used as a station Ident before and after the commercials comes in.

Scare Factor[]

Low. Those idents are very funny, and it could be watchable for Mosca fans.

