1st logo: On a blue spotlight background, we see the trademark text "TEAM17" in a futuristic font with a purple gradient seen in front of a similar-textured ring. A star is seen on top of the M of the wordmark.
2nd logo: We see the metallic text "TEAM 17", with a grenade (also metallic) between the words and a purple flash behind. An angry worm character then jumps from the left and is seen carrying two weapons, one being a flamethrower and the other being a rocket launcher. The worm then turns on its flamethrower for a few seconds. Then it fires the rocket launcher; as the worm starts to shoot the screen, the rocket moves around and starts to turn on the grenade. The worm notices it and jumps out of view as the grenade explodes and disappears, leaving just the metallic text and flash.
3rd logo: After the camera turns at an ocean at dusk, a glass Team17 logo rises from the water, and, when it's fully risen, it sets itself on fire. The logo then turns purple when the flames go down.
4th logo: We zoom out of a machine gun. The Team17 logo scrolls across the screen. A worm reloads an Uzi, and a Micropose logo scrolls past the screen. He then aims a shotgun and reloads it. The Micropose logo then again scrolls past the screen. The worm then controls a stationery gun. The Team17 and Micropose logo zoom out and then start moving across the screen. The worm aims a machine gun, and the two logos scroll into place. Then they scroll across the screen yet again. This time, they zoom out, and they stop. The Micropose logo is above the Team17 logo. To finish it off, the worm throws a banana bomb, and in worry moves along.
5th logo: We see various worms from the game sitting through a conveyor belt in an industrial zone. We then cut into another view of the conveyor belt where the worms get stamped by a Team17 logo on their bodies. The camera zooms on one of these, as the worm passes through and another worm is revealed containing the purple Team17 logo. A lens flare appears and the logo is left as the rest fades out.
6th logo: The letters of the Team17 logo jump into the center of the screen. The letters are now more gummy in appearance, and also have a white border around them. Copyright info fades in at the bottom.
On Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, we see a worm jump down from the top of the screen. The worm then is about ready to use its Bazooka, but all of a sudden the Team17 logo knocks the worm into the screen, making it slide down the screen as copyright info suddenly appears below the Team17 logo. The logo then tilts to the left and falls down slightly.
7th logo: A metallic purple curve, with a white border, wipes in below as the Team 17 logo, now resembling its 1991-2001 look but italicized and redesigned to be more readable, as well as being cut a la the Orion Pictures logo, slides in, with the top part coming from the left, and the bottom from the right. They interlock with each other, as well as another curve being drawn above the text. "D I G I T A L L T D" fades in below, as a TM mark appears.
8th logo: Several white streaks quickly form the text "team" in a different, more sans serif font, while streaks form "17" in the same font, but in 2 different colors (which differ on the game used, but normally it would be 2 shades of purple), with the 2nd section being a curved part on the 7. A white border then fades in, turning the text black and revealing a registered trademark symbol.
On Planet Alpha, the logo now have a black border and white text, with the 17 in gold. In it are several images of their past games and a golden ribbon reading "100th game" on it is layered over it. The entire logo has a gold aura as well, and it slowly zooms in.
1st logo: None.
2nd logo: A dramatic orchestral rock tune plays while the sounds of the actions play throughout.
3rd logo: A rising synth that's really similar to THX's "Deep Note", but lower-pitched, with the sounds of the fire. Phoenix used a somewhat ominous orchestra theme.
4th logo: A rock tune with the sounds of the guns and the worm humming.
5th logo: Machinery sounds, followed by a "ding" when the lens flare appears.
6th logo: A bunch of whooshing sounds, a twinkle and finally some synth "BONG!" sound.
Music/Sounds Variant[]
For the Worms: Ultimate Mayhem variant, the worm making a "aaa-oof!" noise as he falls then hits the ground, the worm pulling out his bazooka and laughing, the Team17 logo hitting the worm as the worm screams, the worm sighing and a glass sound as he hits the screen then slides, and the "thump" sound as the logo tilts to the left. We then hear a condensed version of the normal Team17 logo music, but at the last note of the synth "bong" sound, it lowers in pitch.
7th logo: 2 whooshes, spaced out to have a clang in the middle, and a ding when the TM mark appears. None if its still.
8th logo: A whoosh when the streaks come in, ending with a soft synth. None if its still.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo: None.
2nd logo: Low to high. The angry worm, music and explosion might scare some.
3rd logo: Medium to high. The logo bursting into flames and the THX-like Deep Note will definitely frighten someone.
4th logo: Low to medium. The gunshots can still scare people, but it's tamer than the last 2 logos.
5th logo: Low. The lack of weapons, explosions and gun sounds makes this tamer.
6th logo:
- Original: Minimal.
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem: Low. The sudden appearance of the worm, the worm hitting the screen and logo falling down might catch some off-guard. However, this is a pretty funny logo.
7th logo: Low. The clang sound in the middle might catch some off-guard, but it's generally harmless. None for the still variant.
8th logo: Low.