Taven is a Laotian/Thai film company.
Logo (2000's)[]
Visuals: A transparent image of what appears to an explosion is seen before fading into the earth slowly spinning in space before fading into the earth spinning over a shining bright light, which later fades out as the light turns into a orange circle over a black background. It fades into the sun zooming out as the Laotian and English translation of the text "TAVEN" appears zooming out with a bulge-pitch effect over the footage. It lasts for a while before fading into the globe surface under the top of the moon, and fades into the sun zooming in as the text appears again with the said effect but now is spinning before stopping, the text shines as the footage fades out.
Technique: CGI and computer animation.
Audio: A techno hip-hop theme.
Scare Factor: Minimal, due to the cheap animation, but the music tames it down a bit.