Scary Logos Wiki


Tailormade Films is a film company from India.

Logo (March 20, 2015)[]

Visuals: On a black background, there is a gray grainy frame with a paper and scissors chasing each other and various ways. The scissors are seen opening and closing its blades, the paper follows it before turning into the airplane and chases the scissors as it leaves out of the shot. The paper comes back, still an airplane as the scissors comes back to the shot and tries to cut the airplane before turning back into paper and end up cutting the paper. The scissors leave the shot as the paper unfolds itself, showing the text "TAILORMADE FILMS" in an Art Modern Deco font, the scissors fall down on to the shot between the text and grows a third handle.

Technique: Stop-motion.

Audio: A set of TV noises, first, partially heard music is heard with TV tunning noises with a women speaking, turns into another woman speaking with beeping noises in the background. It turns into a man shouting to someone, before a man yelling is heard. The last sound is an opera.

Title Date of Release Additional Notes
Hunterrr March 20, 2015 Only appearance

Scare Factor: Medium, due to the weird stop motion animation, noises and nature of the logo.
