Scary Logos Wiki


TV Miramar is a television channel owned by Record TV in Brazil.

1st Ident (2005)[]

Visuals: Over a blue gradient background, the globe earth with its continents shows is seen rotating. Shines occurs on parts of the screen before a curvy line colored red wipes in, along with another colored curved lines, green and yellow. the background turns white as the globe turns into a blue circle, and the text "TV MIRAMAR" appears zooming out one by one under the logo.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: "Art Techno ID" by Network Music.

Scare Factor: None to minimal, it's a cheap looking ident.

2nd Ident (2017-2020)[]

Visuals: Over a dark blue background with moving dots, the light blue globe is seen with only the continents shows rotating. Flashes of lights occurs on parts of the globe, making the same number from the last logo from over the globe, which turns white before turning blue as the background becomes white. The text in white fades in under the logo, which turns into it's red and blue color.

Technique: Computer animation.

Audio: A warped version of the same music from the last logo.

Scare Factor: None to medium, the warped music along with the cheap animation can be quite creepy to some Brazilians, but it a cheap logo.

3rd Ident (2021-2023)[]

Visuals: Over a white room background, various 3D-colored tubes fly around the screen, before white outlined circles forms the 2005-2021 logo part by part until it's done forming. The logo zooms in for the end of the logo as a cyan 3D tube flies under the logo.

Technique: CGI made from a template.

Audio: A techno theme.

Scare Factor: None, this is much better than the last two logo, although its cheap.

4th Ident (2023-)[]

Visuals: There are multiple shots of close ups of the 2016 Record TV logo which lasts for three seconds. After this the logo zooms out as the text "TV MIRAMAR" appears under it.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: The Record TV theme.

Scare Factor: None to minimal.
