Scary Logos Wiki


TOT Films is a film company from Bangladesh.

1st Logo (2007-November 7, 2011)[]

Visuals: There is a globe zooming out with figures of people zooming in, and then the 3D black/red Bangla text that reads "TOT Films Presents" zooms out and spins as the footage fades to the THX "Cavalcade" trailer. Then, the text turns yellow with the red borders still intact.

Technique: CGI animation.

Audio: The main theme of Star Wars.

Title Date of Release Additional
Nogno Halma 2007 Debut appearance
King Khan November 7, 2001 Latest appearance

Scare Factor: Low, the animation and the music can scare some.

2nd Logo (2011-2012)[]

Visuals: Fading to a spinning stacked three red blocky word "T". Next, it reveals spinning stacked three red blocky word "O" and another spinning stacked three red blocky word "T", forming all together to make three red blocky word "TOT" placing on the water, next, the text "FILmS comes in and settled down at the bottom. It latter fades out.

Technique: CGI.


  • Thekbaj: Also Sprach Zarathustra theme.
  • Janowar: The main theme of Star Wars.
Title Date of Release Additional
Thekbaj 2011 Debut appearance
Janowar 2012 Latest appearance

Scare Factor: Low to Medium. The green texts might catch people off.
