Scary Logos Wiki


Sriram Films is a Hindi language film company from India.

Logo (February 27, 1998)[]

Visuals: On a dark blue night sky background, a Hindu god with a shining light behind it. The screen zooms out before a star fades in and out for a moment on the hand of the god, which a filmstrip in a yellow color comes out of the god's hand. The end of the strip curls it self as the the star get short and also curls itself before the company name in an Impact font flashes in one by one and "PRESENTS" appears under it.

Technique: Cel animation.

Audio: A long sitar note, which turns into a synth fanfare.

Title Date of Release Additional Notes
Mohbbat Aur Jung February 27, 1998 Only appearance

Scare Factor: None to medium, due to the volume of the music and the close up of the god at the start.
