1st logo (1999-2000)[]
On a white background, the print Som Livre logo (a black circle with two interconnected gradient arcs forming an "S") with the text "SOM LIVRE" below zooms in.
2nd logo (2000-2001)[]
Over a black background, the Som Livre logo from before zooms into the top while rotating horizontally. Behind it is a bright blue glow and the 3D text "SOM LIVRE" flipping into the bottom of the screen. Before settling, the logo spins to the left before coming into a halt, and the word "VIDEO" with an accent glows in below the name.
3rd logo (2000-2006)[]
On a black background, a glowing ball appears suddenly in the center, moving towards the left. A flash occurs after the ball goes out of view. The glowing ball then reappears and then flashes, forming a glowing Som Livre logo which zooms in towards the viewer. The flash then dims out.
4th logo (2001-200?)[]
On a black background, we see three glowing arches (one green, one blue, one red) rotating around and overlapping. In the meanwhile the green arch and the blue one stick to each other, then the red arch joins and the arches stop glowing. At the same time the Som Livre logo appears, with a shadow text reading "SOM LIVRE Vídeo" zooming out. The S logo rotates and then settles, with the shadow text disappearing while a solid "SOM LIVRE Vídeo" text fades in above it. The logo shines afterwards.
5th logo (2006-2009)[]
On a white background, we see several shiny blue circles popping out alongside two trails in the same color that move in the opposite direction. Then the same process is repeated on a blue background with white circles and blue trails, then again on a white background with blue circles and trails. Then we see the trails joining and forming the Som Livre S logo, with another circle (which is part of the logo) popping out behind the trails. The text "SOM LIVRE" zooms out and then the white background becomes a rotating blue-white gradient background.
6th logo (2013-)[]
On a white background, we see four blue glowing lines (which are meant to represent guitar strings) appearing and moving as if they were plucked. Then we zoom to the left and we see the lines becoming trails that move in random directions and then form the current Som Livre S logo. Then the logo zooms out and the Som Livre text fades in below it.
1st logo[]
2nd logo[]
An ominous sci-fi atmosphere preceding a creaking sound, a drum roll and a synthesized orchestral hit.
3rd logo[]
Weird synth whooshes, followed by an airy ambient note. At the end, a weird lo-fi atmosphere (sounds like wind blowing) is heard.
4th logo[]
A weird futuristic synth tune, alongside whoosh sounds.
5th logo[]
The same synth sounds from the previous logo, alongside the sound of wind blowing.
6th logo[]
The sound of guitar strings being plucked being repeated four times, of which each are higher-pitched than the previous plucking sound. Then we hear a cheering crowd, accompanied by whoosh-like sounds and lastly, a cliché rock guitar "end of the song" sound. A refreshing change from the sound FX of previous logos.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo[]
2nd logo[]
Medium to nightmare. The animation and darkness, coupled by the ominous, weird music will scare many. The orchestral hit at the end might also make one jump.
3rd logo[]
Low to medium due to the weird synth sounds, but this logo is more cheesy than scary, and is tamer than what we looked at earlier.
4th logo[]
Medium to high, as the slyly creepy music will not sit well with many.
5th logo[]
None to low, due to the sounds again, but this logo is an improvement from the previous logos.
6th logo[]
None to low. The loud noises may startle a few, but it is a pretty harmless logo.