Scary Logos Wiki


Sein Video is a home entertainment company from Myanmar.

Logo (1990s)[]

Visuals: The camera zooms on to the sunset on a forest like place. Four seconds later, the logo (a outline of a yellow lion with the company name in a script font) appears and slowly zooms into view.

Variant: There is a variant where the logo is on a black background with the logo in a different style. The lion and a bit uncentered and red and the text are in a white and blue color with some Burmese text under it.

Technique: Live-action and computer animation.

Audio: A peaceful Burmese theme, the variant uses a drum and trumpet fanfare in a bombastic maner.

Scare Factor: None to minimal for the normal, due to the music and footage, but low for the other variant, due to the darkness and much darker music.
