Scary Logos Wiki

This particular commercial break bumper was used from 1999 to 2002 on Scifi Channel back then.


On a dark black background, there are multiple shapes moving all of a fast, all colored deep bluish, until the animation stops to reveal then-current Sci-Fi Channel logo formed, which is more to the right, with two texts, SCI FI and WWW.SCIFI.COM, both underneath the blue globe logo that "vibrates" a little bit. Then after that, we see more animation of various shapes moving with rapid motion.


An eerie synth theme with strange whirring sounds.

Scare Factor[]

Low to high. The dark, fast paced nature of the logo, and the creepy synth music could unnerve more than just a few people who are not used to seeing it. It is somehow less scarier for those who are not afraid of that.


  • This is possible that the tape had been deteriorated a bit, making both the globe and the floating shapes to be colored deep blue. The Scifi website is also somewhat hard to see.



Sci-fi Channel Commercial Bumper - Network SciFi (1999)
