Scary Logos Wiki

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Sayapatri Films P. Ltd. is a film company from Nepal.

1st Logo (October 15, 1985)[]

Visuals: TBA

Technique: Live action.

Audio: A synth arpeggio the loops twice.

Title Date of Release Additional
Kusume Rumal October 15, 1985 Only appearance

Scare Factor: Low, due to the music.

2nd Logo (1987-September 18, 1995)[]

Visuals: There are four custom versions of the logo:

  • Arpan: TBA
  • Tilhari: TBA
  • Gopi Kirshna: TBA
  • Jaya Baba Pasupatinath: TBA

Technique: Cel animation.


  • Arpan: TBA
  • Tilhari: TBA
  • Gopi Kirshna: A stock swarmandal track used in various Nepal logos, alongside India.
  • Jaya Baba Pasupatinath: TBA
Title Date of Release Additional
Arpan 1987 Debut appearance, custom variant used
Tilhari 1990 Custom variant used
Gopi Krishna October 15, 1992 Custom variant used
Jaya Baba Pasupatinath 1995 Latest appearance, custom variant used

Scare Factor:

  • Arpan-Jaya Baba Pasupatinath: None to medium, most of the logo with it's animations and music can make you creeped out, but it's harmless, like the next logo...
  • Gopi Kirshna: Medium to high, the loud irritating music along with the logo zooming in your face can cause nightmares to many. The almost red background choice is not that good either, along with the rest of the animation of the logo, and the loud music segueing to the credits, making is even more scarier.

3rd Logo (1999)[]

Visuals: TBA

Technique: CGI.

Audio: TBA

Title Date of Release Additional
Maato Bolcha 1999 Only appearance

Scare Factor: Minimal to low, the animation and logo design can scare some, but it's much tamer than the last logo.
