Scary Logos Wiki

SEIGA (not to be confused with SEGA) is a home media company from Thailand. Not much is known about this company. Their only known release was an illegally-produced Thai dub of Kimba the White Lion, which was released on VCD in 2002. They also have a website, as seen in their logo, but it has always been a scam/virus website, even in 2002.


(2002): Against a bluish-purple background, we see "CARTOON" in the middle and bottom with a grid globe spinning at the bottom right corner. Then, the SEIGA logo fades in, which is "SEIGA" and a strange shape at the top, both gold. There is also some light flashing out of it. The URL for SEIGA's website can also be seen shaking in the bottom right corner.


An electronic theme.

Scare Factor[]

Low to medium, mainly because of the music and weird logo design.



SEIGA Logo (2002)
