Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1999)[]

On a black background, we see the face of a jester with wide eyes and a fixated grin. The words "RED HOUR" are in a messy font at both sides, along with some splats.

2nd logo (2007-2008)[]

On a black background, we see a black timeboard showing 11:59 in white. Then it changes to 12:00. It begins to quickly flip through red and white digits, splitting into three changing time boards in the process as an image of the jester in the background zooms out. The time boards shift into one line, showing "RED HOUR FILMS" under the image of the jester.

3rd logo (2008-)[]

A red card is spinning, depicting through flipbook animation of a jester in silhouette, doing tricks and catching a staff. After a few moments, the card stops still with the picture of the jester walking with the staff behind. The words "RED" and "HOUR" are seen in the Rockwell typeface, fading in on the top and bottom of the card respectively.


  • There also exists a sped-up version (or a short version where the flipping portion is removed). This is seen on TV shows from the company.
  • In some cases, the print logo is used.
  • On High Desert, the logo appears next to the Delirious Media logo.



Just Ben Stiller screaming/yelling "LOOSE POLE!" (sounding a bit like "RED HOUR!", hence the name), taken directly from the pilot.


An ascending synthesizer piece with ticking sounds in the background (composed by Theodore Shapiro), or the opening theme of the movie.


Card flipping sounds.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

  • For the sped-up version, the end theme of the show.
  • For the short version, the last card flipping sound is heard.
  • On Zoolander 2, we hear the opening theme of the movie over the regular sounds.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

High to nightmare, because of the loud screams, the ugly font, and, to a greater extent, the sinister-looking jester face.

2nd logo[]

Low to high, because of the darkness and the ascending, intense synthesizer music, and the head of jester might spook someone, but it's so dark that you can hardly examine it. Thankfully, the voices doesn't scream here like in the previous logo.

3rd logo[]

Minimal to low. This is a huge improvement to the two previous logos as it doesn't have the creepy jester face seen in the first two logos.
