Scary Logos Wiki


Perkasa Film Sdn. Bhd. is a film company from Malaysia.

Logo (1989-January 1, 1992)[]

Visuals: Over a blue background, there is a purple outline of a 3D “PF” with “PERKASA FILEM SDN. BHD.” under the 3D letters. There is also text that reads “mempersembahkan” under the company’s name.

Variant: There is an in-credit variant in Konstabel Mamat, where the “PF” is filled with color; the “PF” is colored a dark red color, and the trail a yellow color. The texts are white.

Technique: A still printed image.

Audio: A synth-triumphant fanfare, which was also used in the Suria Filem Produski Sdn. Bhd. logo.

Title Date of Release Additional
Dendam Perawan Bunting 1989 Debut appearance, normal variant.
Konstabel Mamat January 1, 1992 Latest appearance, in-credit variant used.

Scare Factor: Minimal to low.
