Scary Logos Wiki


(1986-): On a blue background with a red splotch in the center and a spotlight, we see various objects spelling out the words "Pee-Wee Pictures". Each object has it's own animation:

P: A worm moving his head.

E: The head of a guy shaving his beard.

E: A hammer assembling the letter, which it's made out of wood.

-: A bee shaking his body.

W: An octopus moving his tentacles.

E: A guy placing some blocks, which assemble the letter.

E: A snake moving his body.

P: A cactus with a muscle.

I: A volcano belching.

C: A dog mouth opening and closing.

T: A scarecrow shaking his hands.

U: A dolphin opening and closing his body.

R: What looks like an elephant jumping.

E: A girl with a big nose driving a car.

S: A ball falling down some stairs.


  • On "Pee-wee's Playhouse" above we see an "A" in magenta and below we see "PRODUCTION" and a copyright date in small black childish text.
  • Starting in 2016, the logo has been digitally remastered for the first time in High Definition, and presented in 16:9 widescreen.


6 pops, 9 ukulele notes, and then 4 cello notes. This cycle repeats 3 times.

Scare Factor[]

Low, the music might startle some.



Netflix Pee-Wee Pictures (2016)


Pee-Wee Pictures Productions logo (1986-1990)-0
