The Paul of Doom is a YouTube video by "GabrielDaYouTubeGuy" being a monkey scream logo.
We see the 2009 Sony Make Believe logo, then at the end of the Sony Make Believe logo, Paul (à la The 2006 DNA Productions logo) fades in fast and crashes the screen. When the screen cracks, the logo glitches and shakes. Afterwards, it zooms out. Then after it zooms out, the logo quickly accelerates and fades out and stops glitching and shaking. The logo is still broken.
When the Sony Make Believe logo plays, a 3-note piano sound, followed by a majestic ding, at the end of the Sony Make Believe logo, Paul fades in and we hear a glass shattering sound, along with a monkey screaming while the 5-note Fanfare from the BND logo plays.
Scare Factor[]
Minimal to Medium. Although the Sony Make Believe logo is not scary, the Monkey screaming can be a major issue for those who can't stand screaming monkeys. The glitching and shaking can be terrifying to people. It's not as scary as the BND of Doom, the Sonic.EXE of Doom, and the MGM of Doom.