Nana Marfo Films is a film company from Togo.
Logo (2017)[]
Visuals: A close up of the silver textured text "NANA MARFO" is shown facing away from the screen. The camera moves to the left, and when it does, a silver ring is seen from the left. The ring, and text zooms out and faces the screen, and the text "FILMS" is shown under it and it stops, but the ring slowly spins as a bright light occurs and dies out, thus showing us the text "PRESENTS" in French. The ring continues to spin as the text and ring, slowly zooms in as the text begins to lay on it's back.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: A jet whoosh is heard when the camera moves left, then a tubular whoosh when the text zooms out, and a weird sounding whoosh heard twice and the opening theme.
Title | Date of Release | Additional Info |
La Traversée | 2017 | Debut and only appearence |
Scare Factor: Medium, the loud whooshes, with the animation and loudness can make this logo a bit scary. The darkness is also a big problem, but it a cheap logo.