Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1978-1981)[]

On a twinkling space background, the navy blue stylized word "MEDA" lights up ala a shocking pink outline. The logo sparkles three times in sync with the fanfare. Then, a four-pointed star appears below the logo and flies across the screen from left to right, wiping in the words "Media Home Entertainment Inc." in similar font and coloring. The logo sparkles some more and briefly glows pink.


On B/W movies, the logo is shown in black and white.

2nd logo (1981-1988; 1989)[]

We begin with a space background, followed by an animated cluster of yellow laser beams. While this is happening, 2 light blue outlines of the word "MEDIA" begin to move towards each other from opposite sides of the screen (one on top and one on bottom), in a very odd futuristic font, which is styled so that it looks somewhat like this...


...with the first line connecting to the "M", and the second connecting to the "A". The two words continue their move towards each other, and when they meet, a stream of orange laser beams pass through the outline(s) which rotate backwards, so that we see a little of the logo's bottom. Then a stream of pink laser beams cause the outline(s) to flash, resulting into the complete logo which is a silver chrome with a light blue glow. The bottom text "MEDIA HOME ENTERTAINMENT, INC." (in black but also glowing light blue) zooms in from the center of the screen.


  • A B&W variant has been spotted.
  • There is a still variant.
  • On VCL releases distributed by the company, the stacked yellow words "EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTED BY" fly down and reside at the center on the same space background, just before this logo begins.

3rd logo (1988-1993)[]

On a black background, several sets of bar segments move up from the bottom of the screen at an angle. As we rotate towards the front, we see that the bars are forming the Media logo, similar to the one in the previous logo. After the logo is fully formed, the chrome fades in. The end result is exactly like the print logo used on their box packaging since 1981.



A dramatic orchestral fanfare. On some releases, it sounds distorted, due to film deterioration.


Same fanfare as the last logo, but is silent on some other releases.


A low-key synth orchestral theme with "ticking" sounds near the end. It is slightly shortened on a few releases.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

  • Some of the very early releases to feature this logo still use the fanfare from the previous logos.
  • Due to declining business, the company's very last VHS releases went through (CBS) Fox Video and eventually Fox Video. The above logo would play as normal, but there would be an announcer saying "(Available on video) From Media Home Entertainment." When the music ended, the announcer said, "Distributed by (CBS) Fox Video". When the announcer got to the (CBS) Fox Video part of that, the 1st Fox Video logo (or the 3rd CBS/FOX Video logo) played. Although on the 1991 release of Scanners II: The New Order, there was no announcer spiel, just the full Media logo preceding the 1st Fox Video logo with "DISTRIBUTED BY" in yellow above it.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]


2nd logo[]

Low, the animation and somewhat intimidating logo design may get to some, but it's easily a favourite among many thanks to the music and animation.

3rd logo[]

None to minimal.
