1st logo (1997-2000)[]
In a rollercoaster, we see a deserted land with a tunnel with "media Blasters" ("media" is colored fern and is in the bold sans-serif font, while "Blasters" is colored blue-gray and is in the grungy typewriter font). The rollercoaster goes down and enters that tunnel. We see the logos for AnimeWorks, Kitty Media and Tokyo Shock on the walls. After that, the rollercoaster stops on a land with grass and a brick wall. The camera goes up, and the wall "bursts" so we can see the Media Blasters logo from before. The letters of "Blasters" move up and down.
An early version of the logo had slightly smoother animation, and worse looking textures. The wall, with less bricks than the later version, fades in behind the grass when the camera pans up. The "media Blasters" text is more spread out, with the "Blasters" text having a slightly different font.
2nd logo (2000-2011)[]
We see a pink-orange space background of the Milky Way galaxy for over 10 seconds; then giant DVDs and VHS tapes slowly fly at us in a horizontal direction. We see the respective logos on the reflections of the DVDs: the first one has Tokyo Shock, the second: AnimeWorks, the third: Kitty Media, and the fourth: Media Blasters. The camera turns around and goes inside one of the VHS tapes. A flash, and then a pink-orange star reveals the words "MEDIA BLASTERS" in a font that resembles the font of the logo for the Animorphs series and the Spider-Man movie series. The star gradually fades away, and the black background with some stars, fades in. A few seconds later, the text zooms in at lightning speed.
3rd logo (2011-2021?)[]
On a zooming space background, a red flash appears and the Media Blasters logo from before, but now in a red color, zooms in towards us and a flash turns blue and stretches out and disappears. The space background disappears, and the logo shines for a few seconds, before zooming in at lightning speed.
4th logo (2021-)[]
1st logo[]
A crumbling-like sound during the rollercoaster ride, then a deep explosion sound.
2nd logo[]
A droning, yet triumphant synth theme reminiscent of the 1994 Republic Pictures theme, with whooshes and ending with high-pitched descending chimes as the light shimmers.
3rd logo[]
Starts out with a faint yet loud whoosh sound, then a quiet synth note, followed by another whoosh sound.
4th logo[]
Same as before, but with new sound effects added.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo[]
Low to medium. The CGI, darkness of the logo, sudden burst and creepy sounds can be scary for some. however, it's nothing compared to the next logo...
2nd logo[]
Medium to nightmare. First-time viewers might be shocked by the gigantic DVDs and VHS tapes, the text zooming in very quick at the end and the THX-like music. The red space background at the beginning might remind some of the PlayStation 2 Red Screen of Death which has an extremely high scare factor in of itself. However, it's a cool logo, and is a favourite of many. The next logo is no better in terms of scariness though...
3rd logo[]
Medium to nightmare, its sudden appearance, the whooshes both at the start and the end, and the text zooming in very quick (like the previous logo above) might catch people off-guard and scare them.
4th logo[]
Medium to high. The added sound effects might catch someone off-guard, but at least it's the same concept as before but slightly less jarring.
None yet; note: Boilmanhot got rid of the video, because it is unavailable.