(1997-2007): On a black background, there is a pink metallic triangle with "cp" on it (which stands for "copy protected" or "copy protection"), which shines, causing it to turn gold. Then a flash appears on the center to swallow the triangle up in-order to serve room for the logo, and "MACROVISION QUALITY PROTECTION" zooms out, with a triangle next to it. An upside-down triangle resembles the V in "MACROVISION", and after it zooms out, the triangle shines with a "ping" and the text "QUALITY PROTECTION" starts to glow.
A French version exists where it fades in on the finished logo with the triangle stuck on the light and the text and the quality protection text fades in and is replaced by Protection de la qualite.
A mellow synth tune.
Scare Factor[]
None. This is a very soothing logo, though it can still startle many young viewers with the sudden appearance and zooming effects.