Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1980-1981)[]

On a black background, the words "MGM" and "CBS" (in white and in Helvetica font) fly in from the top and bottom of the screen, with green lines on the top and bottom of each letter respectively. We fade to another set of green lines sorta shaped like a room zoom back to bring another copy of the words, and then "AN" and "HOME VIDEO PRESENTATION", in light orange, zoom in to their respective places. A forward slash appears in-between "MGM" and "CBS" on the last note of the music.

2nd logo (1981-1982)[]

We see a metallic forward slash mark on a dark background dropping down. Afterward, "MGM" and "CBS", in the same font as before, zoom out toward the slash at the same time, "CBS" from the right and "MGM" from the left. After that, we see "HOME VIDEO" (in green, and in Alternate Gothic font) zooming out. The "MGM/CBS" text then shines.



An uninspired synth tune which sounds like the opening of a news program.


A short, orchestrated, majestic trumpet/horn fanfare.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

Low to medium. The cheesy-sounding fanfare could be sudden, as well as the simplistic animation.

2nd logo[]

Low to medium. It depends on how you feel about the fanfare.



MGM-CBS Home Video (1978) HQ
