Scary Logos Wiki

looking for earrape is "Extreme Little Airplane"


1st Logo: On a black background, there is the text ''Little Airplane Productions'' and below, in a square there is a footage of a bridge with a young girl going in circles with her arms out. A small butterfly flies throughout the square.


  • Sometimes, the website URL appears under the logo.
  • On Go, Baby!, the Granada ident appears below.
  • On Small Potatoes, at the final scene a black or white text will say "A Little Airplane Production for BBC" in small text at the bottom
  • A variant exists where the clip is in full size with the text in black below the girl.

2nd Logo: On a black background, a red and white emblem with an airplane on it with "Little Airplane" at the top and "Productions" on the bottom, bounces down to the screen. The URL address fades in.


1st logo: A little girl saying one of the following statements:

  • Oobi: "This has been a Little Airplane production."
  • Wonder Pets and Go, Baby!: "Little Airplane!"
  • Official website: "Welcome to Little Airplane Productions."

2nd logo: A "BOING!" sound plays when the emblem bounces onto the screen. The voice of the girl from the previous logo is heard once again.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

A video of a tour through the company has a "DING!" sound effect replacing the "BOING!" sound.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo: The way how the girl says "Little Airplane!" may be creepy for some viewers, and the way how she runs it looks like she's running up to the camera.

2nd logo: The "BOING!" sound and the sudden jump of the emblem could surprise a few viewers, and she still says "Little Airplane!" in a creepy tone.


  • The name of the girl is Melinda.
  • If you look closely to the 2nd logo, you can see a beatle.



Little airplane productions logo 2003 2010


Little Airplane Productions Logo (1999-2005)
