(1985-1988): On a red and black background (similar to the second Vestron Video logo), we see a bolt of lightning come down vertically, and then we see about two more bolts come down. The words LIGHTNING VIDEO zoom out in a dark blue, blocky font. We see more lightning crackling over the words, and as it slowly fades backwards to become white, we see two chrome-colored thunderbolts that shine.
On international releases, when the lightning bolts strike the word "INTERNATIONAL" zooms out and placed below the logo.
The sound of the lightning. It's actually the same thunder sound that is also used in the Southern Star/Hanna-Barbera Australia logo.
Scare Factor[]
Medium. The thunderbolts and lightning sounds may scare those who are afraid of lightning. The "INTERNATIONAL" appearing rather jarringly with fast pace on variant might make you caught off-guard as well.