KWSU is a PBS affiliate television station located in Pullman, WA. The station broadcasts on channel 10 in the area.
1st logo (1976): We see some purple and blue squiggly lines on a dark background. The blue lines appear as more of a liquid substance when the logo forms. All of a sudden, they form the letters "KWSU" in a pink Stop font, the same font used in the 1984 Maryland Public Television logo. After that, the word "presents" in Heliotrope fades in. Finally, they squeeze themselves into the black background.
2nd logo (1983-1987?): On a sky blue background, a baby blue line draws across the screen. It then draws down and to the right, sprouting the text "KWSU" from it. The line retracts when it finishes and "A PRESENTATION OF" slides out of it from the top, while "PULLMAN, WA" slides out of the bottom.
3rd logo (1987-1994?): On a striped light blue background, we see the word "PRESENTATION", in a bold font, in which then, we see the words "a" and "of" being written on-screen in cursive before flashing into "KWSU Public TELEVISION", with "Public" displayed in cursive as well and angled.
4th logo (1994-Early 2000's): On a lavender background, a few rectangles are seen quickly sliding in, reading "a production of" and "M E D I A", with the one in the centre having no text. Then the word "KWSU" in gold flips in a similar way on the rectangle.
5th logo (December 17, 2012): On a gray background, logos, a red line draws across the screen, which flips up to reveal a red/white rectangle with a red outline. On the red section is "KWSU & KTNW" in white and "Public Television" in gray is on the white section. As it shines, the text "A Production of" appears with a red aura. The logo is also seen on a rectangle along with the 2nd, and 4th logos.
6th logo (December 17, 2012): On the ending credits of a show, we see the logo from above superimposed but "KWSU & KTNW" is replaced with "NORTHWEST". Also, a copyright stamp is seen below the logo.
7th logo (2015-2018?): TBA.
8th logo (2018-): On a forest dimmed by a sea green background, we see the letters "NWPB" flipping letter-by-letter along with a simplistic pine tree symbol right to the letters drawing itself and three waves appear next to the symbol, then, we see the words "Engage. Enlighten. Entertain." appearing one-by-one
1st logo: A weird synthesized tune, which sounds like a error in a arcade game or something from the 70s.
2nd logo: A funky trumpet tune accompanied by a drum beat and a Fender Rhodes electric piano, the latter moving through the chord progression B♭13sus4-A♭7add13-Gmaj13#11.
3rd logo: A crystal-like 80's piano jingle (with the notes rising and looping), with a futuristic-sounding ZAP! during the flash.
4th logo: A whoosh is heard, followed by 2 horn notes, with the last being held out for longer.
5th logo: None.
6th logo: The ending theme to the show.
7th logo: TBA.
8th logo: A calming synth piano theme accompanied by birds chirping with three beeps (the last one being high-pitched) when the words "Engage. Enlighten. Entertain." appear one-by-one.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo: High to nightmare, due to the weird music combined with the creepy font and darkness might scare more than a few people, but some viewers will find it funny. Those who aren't scared by this logo will nonetheless find it ear-grating or epilepsy-prone beyond belief itself.
2nd logo: Low to medium. This is tamer than the previous logo.
3rd logo: Low to medium. The "ZAP!" and flashing can catch a few off-guard.
4th logo: Low to medium.
5th logo: None.
6th logo: None.
7th logo: Low to medium.
8th logo: None.