J.D. Productions is a Malaysian film company.
Logo (1990-December 14, 1994)[]
Visuals: On a black background, there is a aqua circle with a white outline over it, inside it is a abstract connected "JD" in the same style as the circle. Later, the circle insides get filles with a orange/green color with a thin wavy line, And the text "J.D. PRODUCTIONS SDN. BHD. mempersembahkan" with the "mempersembahkan" text under the company's name fades in under the circle.
Variant: On Kad Cinta, the logo is colored white in a small size with the company's name next to it.
Technique: Fading effects.
Audio: A bombastic trumpet fanfare.
Availability: Seen on Driving School and Kad Cinta.
Scare Factor: Low, the weird design may throw you off.