India Videogram Association is a home entertainment company from the United Kingdom.
1st Logo (1980s)[]
Visuals: Over a red background, there is a stacked, towered "IVA" with "MEMBER" on top, and "INDIA VIDEOGRAM ASSOCIATION Ltd." and "(ASSOCIATE MEMBER F.A.C.T.)" under the letters. A little wile, the text switches to:
For enquiries write to:
I.V.A. Limited
P.O. Box 230
Technique: Switching effects.
Audio: None.
Title | Date of Release | Additional |
Ankahee | 1980s | Only appearance |
Scare Factor: None, this is pretty boring.
2nd Logo (1980s)[]
Visuals: Over a blue background, the letters forming the initials of the company name in a bright blue color flips to the screen while zooming in. Then they stop and merges to look like the design from the last logo. The same texts from the first logo fades in on top and bottom of the letters.
Technique: Computer animation.
Audio: None.
Title | Date of Release | Additional |
Janjaal | 1980s | Only appearance |
Scare Factor: None to minimal.