Scary Logos Wiki
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1st logo (1956-1960)

On a black background, we see the letters "ITC" each appear in three rounded diamonds shapes horizontally. The word "AN" appears above it and "RELEASE" appears below it.


On Fury, the logo appears in-credit and the word "RELEASE" is replaced with "PRODUCTION". Numerous other variants also exist, too.

2nd logo (1956-1961?)

On a gray background, the letters "ITC" each appear in three rounded diamond shapes vertically, connected with a line in the middle. The word "AN" appears above it and "RELEASE" appears beneath it. In other cases, it's superimposed.

3rd logo (1959-May 21, 1975)

On a gray background, a compass appears. It zooms up really close, and then "flips" to reveal a black diamond-like shape. A map of the world is wiped into the diamond from left to right as a white outline appears. The diamond's interior once again turns black as it zooms out as the background fades to black. When it reaches the top, a line is drawn through the middle as an "I" appears in the middle as well. Two more diamonds appear below the "I" diamond, reading "T" and "C", and appearing as the line "connects" them. The word "presents" appears below.


  • Sometimes, "Distribution" replaces "presents," and sometimes, there is no text under the logo.
  • There was a variant that has "Distributed by" above the logo.
  • Sometimes, all three diamonds are already there, and the letters appear inside.
  • In the color version of the logo, the background is red, and turns to green during the map part, the compass is silver, and the map's continents on the opening variant is blue and the closing variant is green.
  • Certain programs will have an in-credit logo that appears with "AN" to the left of the ITC logo and "WORLD WIDE DISTRIBUTION" either to the right such as Gerry Anderson's UFO or directly under it.
  • On the TV movie Vendetta for the Saint, a print version of the next logo with the copyright year is seen. Maybe it's a logo plaster.
  • An in-credit variant had the words "FOR" above the ITC logo and "WORLD WIDE DISTRIBUTION" either below or by the sides of the logo, respectively. This was seen on Baffled!, This is Tom Jones, and the 1973 Sesame Street special Julie on Sesame Street, which guest-starred Julie Andrews and Perry Como.
  • An in-credit variant had the words "A BAMORE PRODUCTION FOR" above the ITC logo. This logo was seen on color episodes of The Saint from 1966-1969.
  • On Return of the Pink Panther, the logo is pink and shares a credit with Jewel Productions Ltd. and Pimlico Films Ltd.

4th logo (1973-1989)

On a dark blue space background, three diamonds appear, red, green, and blue respectively, "interlocked" within each other and spinning around like a top. From the center of the screen, a white ITC logo, designed much like last time but now turned slightly upward, zooms out and quickly moves to the left side, as the word "ENTERTAINMENT" appears alongside. At the end of the logo, the ITC logo fades out to make room for the word "Presents".


  • When introduced in 1973, the ITC logo zooms into the center of the screen after which either the word "PRESENTS", "PRODUCTION", or "DISTRIBUTION" pop up under it before the sequence fades out. Also, the space background is a bit different, and it zooms in as the logo animates. It was replaced with the more familiar version by 1977.
  • A variant of the 1973-77 version exists where after the ITC logo appears, there's a freeze-frame before any text below appears.
  • On Space: 1999, IVE-released volumes of The Saint, and some shows and TV movies, a version of the animated logo is seen at the end of the program, with "FROM" to the left of the ITC logo, and no "Presents".
  • On all other ITC programs of the era, a still logo appears in the show's end credits.
  • The second version of this logo and the still in-credit counterpart have either no byline, an ATV byline, or an ACC (Associated Communications Corporation) byline.
  • This was routinely plastered over the 3rd logo on newer prints of older ITC series (when Sci-Fi Channel reran Space: 1999, the second version (with and without the ATV byline) and the 7th logo were plastered over the original 1973 ITC Presents logo on all episodes except the show's finale, "The Dorcons").
  • There is an extremely rare version with the ITC logo in gold with "PRESENTS" appearing below. It is said that logo variant exists on Betamax tapes of season one of The Muppet Show.
  • An in-credit version was used on older prints of The Muppet Show, which showed the ITC logo in between "FOR" and "TELEVISION". Below that are copyright dates for ITC and Henson Associates.
  • The logo at the beginning lacks a drum roll on the film Sweet Dreams, which aired on WGN America (though this is most likely just an error on their part).
  • The logo appears in-credit on films produced by ITC Entertainment Group and the trailers for the films (such as Capricorn One).

5th logo (1980-1987)

Against a colored background, we see "FROM" in a small font. Next to it is the familiar ITC logo that has been turned slightly upward, and next to that we see "ENTERTAINMENT". The byline "© I.T.C. ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED (year in Roman numerals)" is seen below.


  • There exists a version without a copyright date.
  • Sometimes, the logo is placed on a colored background. Colors include red-orange, red, pink, blue, dark blue, or black.
  • Sometimes, the word "FROM" is omitted.
  • Another version where the word "ENTERTAINMENT" is replaced by either "PRODUCTIONS" or "PRODUCTIONS, INC." exists.
  • An animated version exists with zooming animation.
  • On some TV movies like Jane Doe and The Scarlet and the Black, another animated version was seen. First, the ITC logo appears, then "PRODUCTIONS" appears via a wipe effect.
  • The animated version of the one above superimposed to the credits can be seen on a few TV movies. The wipe effect is a bit quicker on this variant.

6th logo (1988)

On a brown smoke-like background, 2 gold diagonal lines start to draw a diamond. They curve and intersect at the top to draw the second and third diamonds. "ITC", in gold, appear one by one inside the diamonds. The text:

I. T. C._E N T E R T A I N M E N T


in white, zooms in below the diamonds.

7th logo (1989-1998)

On a black background, we see three gold interlocked ITC diamonds but with no letters in them, spinning around. As they spin around, the letters "ITC", in gold, slide out from the right of it one-by-one, and then shine as the diamonds stop spinning.


  • This comes with or without a registered trademark "®" symbol next to the "C".
  • There is a rare opening variant that features "Presents" underneath. This was seen at the beginning of some ITC productions/releases.
  • The closing variant of this logo is bylineless.
  • There is a variation of the logo that appears at the end of some CBS Theatrical Films releases when they are shown on television, and many ITC releases from Avid Home Entertainment as well as an Australian airing of Danger Man. In it, the logo is sped up, the three notes accompanying the ITC letters sliding out are not heard, the letters do not shine, there is no shimmering sound heard, "Entertainment Group" appears under "ITC" once the diamonds stop spinning, and a different "THUD!" sound is heard at the end. The music for that logo has also been heard on the standard version as well.
  • The late version of this logo, has a byline reading "A PolyGram Filmed Entertainment Company", which is seen on the Artisan DVDs of Sophie's Choice, The Boys from Brazil, some TV airings of Volunteers, and a 1997 syndicated print of Halloween (1978).
  • On the 1996-98 USA Network series The Big Easy, the ITC Entertainment Group version is seen sped up (after the Grosso-Jacobson Productions logo) and cuts away to the PolyGram Filmed Entertainment logo (joined in progress; the final part of that logo is seen).
  • Sometimes, it is superimposed over the ending credits.


None or the closing theme.


A bombastic brass score. Composed by Jack Parnell.

The same as the previous logo. On very rare instances, the end theme plays over the logo.


The end theme of the series.

A dramatic bass sounder, followed by a three-note synth tune that corresponds to the sliding out of the letters, a shimmering sound accompanying the letters shining, and a "THUD!" synth sound.

Music/Sounds Variants

  • A modified version of the tune can be found on Deadlock.
  • A low-pitched version of the tune can be found on the Scorpion Releasing DVD of Whispers (1990).
  • Sometimes the music for the ITC Entertainment Group logo can be heard over the standard logo.
  • There is a variant on the ITC Entertainment Group logo where the three notes play (although faster than usual) and a "THUD"/drum roll sound effect plays. This music variant is very rare. There's a variant without the "THUD" on this version.
  • Sometimes, the logo is silent, or it can have the opening theme of the movie play over it.
  • The mini-series People Like Us has a three-note harp theme.
  • The standard logo's music has been known to play over the ITC Entertainment Group logo.
  • Some TV movies and most episodes of Space: 1999 have the 1959 logo theme playing over the logo.
  • The 1990 revival of Tic-Tac-Dough has the theme playing under as Larry Van Nuys announcing (following the Barry & Enright Productions logo) "... and is distributed by ITC!"

Scare Factor

1st logo

None, unless you hate or are scared of the ending theme of the shows that has this at the end.

2nd logo

Low. This logo is mostly boring and harmless. Especially compared to the next logo...

3rd logo

Low to nightmare. The sudden fanfare isn't exactly pleasant sounding, and the dark atmosphere and fuzzy quality make things worse, the fanfare doesn't help matters with the next logo...

4th logo

Depending on the logo variant:

  • Regular variant: Medium to nightmare. The dark atmosphere combined with the less-than-friendly sounding fanfare and strange diamond spinning potentially disorienting viewers have scared many people, especially children.
  • In-credit variant: None. It’s boring.

5th logo

None. This is just a boring (and harmless) logo. It's also very tame compared to the previous and next ones...

6th logo

Medium to high, as the loud, dramatic ending theme of the show will probably scare some unsuspecting viewers. However the logo was only used for two days, like Asymmetrical.

7th logo

Depending on the music:

  • With the regular theme: Low to medium. The thud sound may be foreboding, but at least it's tamer than the 3rd, 4th and 6th logos.
  • With the 1959 theme: Medium to high, The even darker atmosphere being combined with the unnerving music from the 3rd and 4th logos are likely to scare more than a few, however, this one won't make you too dizzy as the logo only spins a second or two.


