Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki


(1999-2007): On a black background We fade in to a garage with a zombie-looking man with a goatee. He holds an axe and says, "I like licking things!", and chuckles. And then some off-screen people laugh at him (if you listen very closely). We then pan to a CRT television on and the Helltimate Studio logo is superimposed over the TV. After a few seconds, the man shouts and then destroys the TV with his axe many times, and then pieces of glass break off the TV, and then we suddenly cut to black and then the logo displays with the old projector effect on it.


The man saying his dialogue accompanied by the sounds of the ambiance/action. When we cut to black, a guitar chord is held with a creepy ticking in the background plays.

Scare Factor[]

Low to high. The man is creepy-looking, however, this is more weird and scary, and many will probably find this funny.



Helltimate Studio
