Scary Logos Wiki
Gracie filmslogos

All of the company's logotypes.


1st logo (1987-present)[]

Gracie films red

We start off in a cinema, with lots of chattering going on. Then, after a few seconds, a female silhouette that is close to us making a "shush" gesture. Then, the audience becomes silent, the lights turn off, and the projector comes on and makes a blue light to the screen, and these words in white appear:



Variants (a few of them, anyway)[]

  • The Simpsons has featured many alternate variations of the logo over the years, with different music, sound effects, and/or dialogue. One recurring variation is on Halloween episodes, where a woman screaming is heard followed by a creepy pipe organ playing the theme. For a full comprehensive list of variations, see The Simpsons Archive's Alternate Credits Guide or the AVID variations page on this company.
  • Another famous example of a variant is on The Simpsons Season 4 episode "Kamp Krusty", where a mariachi band plays the jingle, and after that, a bunch of people yell "Ole!"
  • The first visual variation of this logo on a Simpsons episode was in the episode "Last Tap Dance in Springfield”. It starts off normal, and then gets pushed to the top by a clip from an animated black-and-white movie (that in the episode, Lisa and her class were watching). The clip in question shows a cat rubbing eyes with its (prop) arms, and then smiling.
  • By 2009, the logo was enhanced for widescreen TVs, and is now animated in flash.
  • The PS2/Gamecube/Xbox/PC game The Simpsons: Hit & Run uses this logo, but with smoother animation and with flickering effects as the screen lights up. The Simpsons Game has the variant below on all ports of the game except for the ones for the Nintendo DS and XBOX 360.
  • The Simpsons Movie has this logo appear at the very end of it, but it looks like a slightly rushed attempt at recreating the original logo, as the background of the lit up screen room (apart from the "shushing woman") appears to be a photo still of the original logo, which fades into a Flash-esque animation with a darker blue light and a smoother font.
  • The second visual variation (and the first in 17 years) on a Simpsons episode occurred on "Looking for Mr. Goodbart"

2nd logo (2000-present)[]

Same concept as the previous logo, however instead of the lighted movie theater, the background is pitch black. The audience (including the "Shhh!" lady), is on a teal outline. The rest of the logo continues like the last 2 logos with the projector casting the blue light with "GRACIE FILMS" appearing, but for a 3D effect the text zooms in as it fades. The finished logo looks like the print logo.


  • On the webisodes of The Critic, the logo is in the center of the screen, is brighter and blue, and is still. This variant uses the end theme of the show.
  • On The Longest Daycare, the logo cuts to black, but on The Edge of Seventeen, the logo fades out.
  • Starting with Maggie Simpson in Playdate with Destiny, Mickey Mouse replaces one of the men.
  • On the mobile game The Simpsons Arcade, the logo is brighter and blue, has a hideous black outline, and is up against an arcade monitor.
  • On the company's official website, the seats are empty and the blue screen is already here. The guests fill the theater. then another projector comes on, first showing an old scratchy screen, then showing the text on the blue screen.



The sound of an audience muttering and murmuring is heard, followed by a shushing sound effect, and then a 9-note electric piano theme with drums composed by Jeffrey Townsend. The tune is very similar to the refrain of "King of Wishful Thinking" by Go West, but since this logo predates that song, this is most likely a coincidence.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

  • On Halloween episodes of The Simpsons, starting with the Treehouse Of Horror episodes, a woman screaming very cowardly replaces "Shhhh!" and that same tune played on a creepy organ that basically matches Halloween very much. Numerous other alternate versions of the theme have been used over the years (see "Variants" above). Earlier Halloween shows lack some parts of the audio.
  • Some episodes might use a soundbite from the episode, or use a voiceover from a character in that episode that plays alongside the jingle. Others have sound effects and/or voiceovers completely replacing the jingle.
    • An example of this is shown in the previously mentioned “Last Tap Dance in Springfield” variant, where the woman from the previously mentioned movie says “Tappa, tappa, tappa” after the shushing.
  • On some Simpsons episodes that feature songs during the closing credits, such as "Dancin' Homer" and "Monty Can't Buy Me Love", the closing song continues playing over the Gracie Films logo. This includes some syndication prints that shift the closing music so it starts after the last commercial break, causing the music to end over the logo.
  • The Simpsons episode "Fat Man and Little Boy" features a low tone version of the jingle.
  • On many Simpsons episodes since Season 4, the logo is shown without the murmuring (you hear the "Shhh!" right after the last note of the closing theme, which is heard right at the start of the logo). With the show's cable debut on FXX on August 21, 2014 (when the Every Simpsons Ever marathon began), new syndication prints which are cropped (with some parts stretched) to fill the 16:9 screen now feature two credit cards for the Spanish Language audio track in between the copyright card and the Gracie Films logo, so now this is not seen on the new syndication prints. However, this is preserved on the DVD releases, existing local syndication prints, and on (cable subscription to FXX required; 4:3 option must be selected).
  • An even shorter version is found on the short-lived Phenom, which cuts off the first two notes along with the murmuring and "Shhh!".
  • On FXX airings of The Simpsons episode "Days of Future Future", this logo has the audio from the 20th Television logo playing over this. This logo's audio was heard over the Spanish cast credits and the 20th Television logo was silent. This was likely caused by an editing goof.
  • Sometimes a certain tune plays over the entire logo, with no sound effects heard. This most recently occurred on The Simpsons season 27 episode "Barthood".
  • This logo also made an appearance at the end of the Family Guy episode "The Simpsons Guy" (crossing over with The Simpsons), with Peter Griffin singing along with the theme "And now, the show is over now!"
  • The Simpsons episode "Angry Dad: The Movie" uses a very abridged version of the jingle, composed of the first four notes and the final note. There is no "Shhh!" in this version due to Ricky Gervais' dialogue going over half of the logo. However, the logo is not interrupted on FXX's airing of this episode due to the Spanish cast credits at the end.
  • The Simpsons episode "Homer the Father" features a low-tone variant of the jingle.
  • The Simpsons season 27 episode "Treehouse of Horror XXVI" features a slightly abridged version of the Halloween organ music. Due to the standard scream being replaced with Homerzilla's roar, the music comes in halfway through the logo with the music finishing up over the 'In Association With' screen, so the last note, usually held down, plays for the same length as the normal piano tune.
  • The Simpsons season 28 episode "Treehouse of Horror XXVII" (Coincidentally the show's 600th episode) also uses the same abridged version from the previously mentioned episode - however, whilst the previous one used a long, loud roar which causes the music to come in late, the standard scream is played, but it comes in late (AFTER the "shh!" gesture is made), resulting in the music playing late.
  • On Fox reruns of the Simpsons episode "What To Expect When Bart's Expecting", a high-pitched version of the music is sometimes used.


The usual "Shhh!", followed by one of two things:

  • The Longest Daycare: A timpani roll.
  • The Edge of Seventeen: The music from the last 2 logos. This also has the murmuring coming before the "Shhh!".

The website variant had the sound of a projector rolling, followed by the jingle. Sounds varied when you put your cursor over a guest followed by the shush.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

Depending on the logo variant:

  • Standard Variant: Minimal to low, due to the sudden darkness and the woman shushing, which may catch some off-guard. In addition, the logo is usually followed by an "In Association With" screen and the TCF-TV logo which may unnerve some viewers (especially if it's the 1981 and 1989 versions). However, the scare factor rises for the next variant.
  • Treehouse of Horror Variants: Medium to nightmare. The scream and organ replacing the shush and jingle are likely to startle and scare many viewers, not to mention the retained darkness and choppy animation from the original logo. However this was intentional since it was on the Halloween Special.
  • Treehouse of Horror II and III variant: Low to medium, there's no scream or shush but the creepy organ will still surprise and creep out some.
  • Treehouse of Horror VI and XIX Variants: None to minimal, as the music is calmer. Especially tame compared to the next variant...
  • Treehouse of Horror VII Variant: High to nightmare, due to the regular scream being replaced with a much longer and louder scream of a little girl, which could scare some if they were expecting the regular version to show.
  • Screaming Yellow Honkers Variant: Medium to high. The gunshots will startle many viewers if they don't expect it.
  • Last Tap Dance in Springfield Variant: Medium, if you are not expecting it.
  • Later Variant: None to minimal, thanks to the improved animation.
  • Later Treehouse Of Horror Variants: Medium to high. The improved animation makes it slightly tamer than the original verson's Horror Variants, however we still have the scream and organ.
  • Treehouse Of Horror XXI Variant: Low, the organ theme is still there, but the normal scream being replaced with the Wilhelm scream makes it funny.
  • Treehouse of Horror XXXV Variant: Medium to nightmare. The loud crowd scream can scare several people, especially to those expecting a normal Treehouse Of Horror variant.
  • Other Variants: Ranges from minimal to medium. These alternate versions may catch you off guard if you're not expecting to see them.

Nonetheless, this is one of the most popular logos ever (especially with Simpsons fans), and, much like Pixar, is cherished by many.

2nd logo[]

Depending on the variant:

  • The Longest Daycare: Low. The timpani roll may get to some, along with the pitch black theater.
  • The Edge of Seventeen: None to low. The regular music is there, but we still have that pitch black theater. However, since the logo gently fades out, that kind of decreases the scare factor.

