Gourmet Video Collection is a porn video distributor that was founded in 1972 and known for its massive catalogue of adult titles distributed on home video as well as shooting the first porn film shot directly on video, The Reincarnation of Serena. The company still exists today as both a DVD online store and distributor of many porn films and scenes from the 1980's and early 90's.
1st Logo (1983-Early 1990's)[]
Opening Logo: On a moving space background, the apricot text "GVC" zooms out the background, and trails of the text zoom out with said text, to form the same GVC we've seen before. It zooms out completely. Then, the text with the same color, "GOURMET VIDEO COLLECTION" appears zooming in (a la V of Doom), with some trails, the same as the GVC text did. After that, four scenes of topless women begin to appear in-sync with the music, stacked on one another and freezing when the next arrives. These includes:
- A blond woman wearing a red skirt exposing her breasts.
- A black-haired, completely nude lady laying down on a blue garden deck chair, looking at us sensually while licking one of her fingers.
- A brunette woman wearing a red dress laying on a yellow bed playing with her breasts.
- A nude, blonde woman sleeping on a white bed only to be awakened and then stare at the screen.
They all fade out and then the text "PRESENTS" rotates and zooms in. It stops on the middle of the screen.
Closing Logo: On the same space background as before, the text "FIN" in the same color as before rapidly zooms in and passes through us. This is then followed by the stacked text "A GOURMET VIDEO PRESENTATION" zooming in and stopping in the middle, remaining still until the screen fades to black.
A version exists where the text is white.
2nd Logo (1985-)[]
We start off as a CGI tunnel where at the top is dark yellow/orange & at the bottom is black with white. We keep moving to the right of the tunnel as the colors gets more saturated & darker. We then see a black sphere with a silver/brown text "GVC" symbol spinning as it gets closer. While it's getting closer, we see black lines moving onward right above the sphere, & white lines moving outward at the bottom. When they couldn't be shown, the sphere deforms & covers the entire screen (which at this point the camera stopped moving to the right), only to reveal that the word "GVC" is on a space background (with much less stars than the last logo). The logo "shines" & shines again 7 seconds later before ending with "GVC" unpixelated.
On DVD releases co-produced with BRS Direct, said company's logo would fade into the Gourmet Video logo.
1st Logo:[]
A guitar playing a rock theme, with synth instruments over it. The closing logo has accompanying whooshes.
2nd Logo:[]
A heavy wind sound for the entire time of the tunnel, as well as a synth sound for the lines. Then, a funky rock tune plays for the rest of the logo.
Scare Factor[]
1st Logo:[]
Low to medium for the opening. Some may get offended or some may be ejaculated by the women's nudity. Minimal for the closing, it is not inappropriate unlike the opening.
2nd Logo:[]
Medium. It's an okay logo but some may get scared.