Scary Logos Wiki

Gorgon Video is a sub-label of MPI Home Video. It distributes B-grade horror movies on DVD and VHS. It was founded in 1982 and is still around today.



The logo.

(1987-June 9, 2015?): The screen is covered in flames. The logo zooms out, and it turns out that the flames are in one of Medusa's eyes (you can either see through the back of her head, or they're just very reflective). Medusa blinks a few times, the snakes on her head wiggling away, before sticking her tongue out of her fanged mouth. The logo zooms out some more, and the words "GORGON VIDEO", in red-orange, zoom in. A purple plaque comes from behind Medusa's head, joining with the words and head. Medusa sticks out her tongue once again.


Synthesized Gregorian chanting and flame sounds are heard throughout. There is a brief wind sound as the Medusa head zooms out, and a shining sound when she sticks out her tongue, as well as a light thud when the purple plaque joins with words and head.

Scare Factor[]

High to nightmare. The flames, the ominous chanting, close-up on Medusa, and dark mood could terrify some people, but being a company that distributes horror films on video, this was likely intentional. This is also considered a favorite of many people, especially those into horror, and even with people who love Medusa from Gorgons.


Gorgon means a female creature. There were three Gorgons in the Greek Mythology, and Medusa was one of them.



Gorgon Video Logo
