(1975/2518): On a black (or dark blue, possibly due to film deterioration) background, we see the Thai text, which probably translates to "Jiravan Kampanat Saengrat presents" fading in. Once the Thai text fades out, thunderstorms appear. We suddenly cut to black screen. The black screen cuts to the hotel with the thunderstorm in front of it. After the scene cuts, "GHOST HOTEL" in Thai appears zooming while waving. The text is still waving once it stops zooming, until it finally fades out.
A jet takeoff is heard with the whistling-like sound, then the thunder is heard as thunderstorms appear. The 1-note dramatic note is heard as "GHOST HOTEL" in Thai appears zooming while waving, then a creepy fanfare is heard.
Scared Factor[]
High to nightmare. The thunderstorms, the creepy text, the sounds and the creepy fanfare can scare a lot of people. Considering that it is a horror company, it is purely intentional.
(เทียม) โรงแรมผีโปรดักชั่น (2518-)