Scary Logos Wiki


G.G. Film Stocks is a Hindi-language film company from India.

Logo (August 25, 2000)[]

Visuals: Over a black background, the text "What makes this film so good?" in stacked texting zooms out from the screen. It then flashes to two Gs with one silver and one gold spinning inside a ring in gold which also spins of in a different direction with the screen with the camera focusing on top of the ring before facing the screen. The ring and G's stops spinning and flashes as the inside is filled with blue and the bottom part of the ring turns blue, the text "G.G. Film Stocks" in a Bank Gothic like font flashes under the ring as the top shines and more text "From Photo Film Industries" in a stacked format flashes under the company's name.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A soft and bombastic synth trumpet fanfare with a whoosh and a ding.

Title Date of Release Additional
Hamara Dil Aapke Paas Hai August 25, 2000 Only appearance

Scare Factor: Medium, due to the animation and darkness, and its music can also scare you.
