Scary Logos Wiki


Frontmaster Marketing Int'l Ltd. is a film company from Nigeria.

Logo (2007)[]

Visuals: The screen is filled with a light blue background, which pans down to reveal three thin and thick spinning rings underneath a yellow pedestal. The camera zooms out reveal that the pedestal is a big sans serif "F" next to the letters in a stacked format:
Under another pedestal with two pillars going from thin-thick under two red filmstrips covering the pillar's feet on a green landscape. The F's top line extends the as a spotlight shine under the logo itself.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A series of bass boosted whooshes, which a synth jingle at the end of the logo.

Title Date of Release Additional
Careless Soul 2007 Only appearance

Scare Factor: None to high, the loud audio and the animation is shivering to many Nigerian's in his country.
