Freaky Dragon Productions LLC. is an American film and television company, located in Palo Alto, California. The company was founded in 1922 as The Freaky Dragon Film Manufacturer by Marcus Loew, who also founded MGM with Louie Mayer two years later. In 1928, the company started KLOE-FM 27 (which closed in 2019), with the first broadcast being a reading of Shakesphere's Hamlet. In 1948, they made their first broadcast on TV on DuMont. In 1950, they renamed to their current name. However, in 1998, the company was purchased by Westinghouse, which became CBS Corporation a year later. Then in 2001, CBS sold the company to Sony Pictures Entertainment. And the company was quietly folded into Sony Pictures Television in 2003. However, in 2013, TriStar Pictures announced that Freaky Dragon was coming back, and they did on August 22, 2014. In 2016, Sony sold the company to Discovery, which merged with WarnerMedia in 2022 to form Warner Bros-Discovery, which sold 99% of Freaky Dragon to Fox Corporation. And on July 9, 2022, WBD sold their share of 1% to Fox. Fox still owns FDP to this day.
Logo 1: (1922-1926)[]
On a black background, a pastel green crudely outlined dragon flies in from the left of the screen, and then lands, using it's front legs, while still keeping its wings up. Then the dragon closes its eyes as it gags, and then pukes out the words "FREAKY DRAGON" in PMincho, with some green goo on it. Then the goo fades away, and then the dragon flies to the top, and the logo cuts to black.
- There is supposedly a black and white variant, where it fades instead of cutting, but it is a lost logo, meaning no one can find it.
Logo 2: (1926-1929)[]
On a stone tablet background, the dragon head from the second logo appears with the text "Freaky Dragon Pictures" in Garamond. Then the text "Presents" fades in, also in Garamond. Then, it fades to either the movie or black.
Logo 3: (1929-1938)[]
On a gray background, we see a dragon with a light gray head, a black body, dark gray wings, a white tail, and silver legs. In its body we see "FREAKY DRAGON PICTURES presents" in the Arial font in white. Then it fades to black.
- The black and white version that was the description was used from 1929 to 1934.
- From 1934 to 1939, the logo was in color, with the background being magenta, the wings purple, the head lime green, the body cyan, the tail pastel green, the legs pink, the Freaky Dragon text gold, and the presents text light cyan.
Logo 4: (1938-1954)[]
On a dark blue background, the text "Freaky Dragon Pictures" zooms in, in Arial and white. Then, the dragons face fades in.
- In 1947, a silver Jubilee logo was created with the logo animating like normal, but then the text: "25th Anniversary/1922-1947" fades in.
Logo 5: (1954-2001)[]
This logo has had two seprate versions over the logo's 47 year long lifespan. Here they are.
- (1954-1989) On a light blue background, the dragon from the first logo fades in with the black background. Then, the text "This is..." fades in. It only appears for 2 seconds, before the text "A Freaky Dragon Production" morphs onto the screen in white and in the Times New Roman font. Then, it fades to black.
- (1990-2001) On a midnight blue background, the dragon from the fourth (now in CGI) logo swirls around two times then freezes. Then, it zooms into its face and the text "FREAKY DRAGON PRODUCTIONS" fades in. Then, it fades to black.
- From 1957 to 1973, every film from the company was in FlattenedScope Widescreen. So after the logo was done animating, it fades out to the text "This Freaky Dragon Production was Filmed Using" fades in, before the FlattenedScope logo from 1949 to 1982 zooms out from the screen, into the light blue void. Then when it's not visible anymore, it fades to black.
- Just like the previous logo, Jubilee logos were created. For example, a golden jubilee in 1972, a diamond jubilee in 1982, a platinum jubilee in 1992, and an obsidian jubilee in 1997.
- Another lost logo was disclaimed, which was a red version with the dragon and the text green from 1964. However, like I said, it's lost.
Logo 6: (1967-1981)[]
On a dark red background, the dragon, now yellow, jumps across blue clouds, before landing on a giant gold ingot. Then it zooms up to the dragon's face, then its head winks at us, before the text: Freaky Dragon Productions fades in. Then the dragon gets its body back, then zooms across the screen, causing the red background to get sucked to the left, where it resolves in a black background.
Logo 7: (2001-2003)[]
On a white background, the dragon from the 6th logo, now pink and purple and with a crescent moon shape in the back of its head comes out of nowhere. Then, it grabs out a pencil and writes "Freaky Dragon Productions" crudely. Then a purple fairy flies in from the right to left to bring us the Sony Pictures Entertainment byline in Comic Sans. Then, it fades to black.
Logo 8: (2014-2016)[]
The Sony 2014 logo shines in first, and then, on a Pastel Green background, the dragon from the second logo, now with a mustache and lines for eyes, zooms its head up to the screen, then winks at us. Then, the text, "FREAKY DRAGON productions" in white and in the Earwig Factory font, zooms in from opposite sides, before the text: A S O N Y C O M P A N Y fades in. Then, it zooms to the right to show black.
Logo 9: (2016-)[]
On an orange back ground, the text "FREAKYDRAGONPRODUCTIONS" in the Super Tiki font zooms in.
Logo 1:[]
Logo 2:[]
A 13 note trumpet fanfare, followed by 4 french horn notes.
Logo 3:[]
None or the opening theme to the movie.
Logo 4:[]
An ominous tuba theme.
Logo 5:[]
It depends.
- (1954-1989): None.
- (1990-2001) A 14 note fanfare played by a flute and harp, with the dragon roaring, ending with a bell ding.
Logo 6:[]
Jumping sounds when the dragon is jumping, and a zooming noise when the text appears.
Logo 7:[]
An upbeat piano theme, ending with a twinkle sound.
Logo 8:[]
Logo 9:[]
Scare Factor:[]
Logo 1:[]
Medium to nightmare. This logo is very similar to the 1920 Decla logo, with the premise, the animation, and strangely enough the colors, as Decla does have a green variant.
Logo 2:[]
Low to medium (bordering on high). The logo did make the dragon cuter, so that gets a point. However, it has some dark colors, which gives it its scare factor.
Logo 3:[]
Minimal to low. The logo is fine for 1929, but the animation is minimal, compared to the first logo.
Logo 4:[]
Minimal to medium. The animation is fine, but kinda choppy. The music, however, is a big problem. The next logo blows this out of the water...
Logo 5:[]
It depends.
- (1954-1989): High to nightmare. The logo is really creepy and scary, with the lack of music, the text they chose, and the very terrifying dragon head. However, it is a favorite to many due to this variant's lifespan of 35 years.
- (1990-2001): Low. The logo is finally animated and smoother, the music and sounds are nice, and it's overall a great logo for 1990.
Logo 6:[]
Medium to high. It's less scary than the last logo, but it's still kooky with the design of the dragon, choice of colors, concept and font.
Logo 7:[]
None. The logo is very cute, and has great animation, sounds, and concept. It's sad that this logo was used for only two years.
Logo 8:[]
Minimal to low. The Sony logo can catch you off guard.
Logo 9:[]
None. This logo is a downgrade, with its cheap animation, and lack of music.