Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki

(September 7, 1974-1980s)[]

On a light blue background, a cartoon walrus is playing a beach ball. Afterwards, the walrus releases the beach ball, it tuned into a yellow circle with a red outline with a giant red "S", and as the walrus bounces and releases and pushes the wall, added a giant red "R" next to "S". The walrus keeps bouncing and looks up and slides over and roll to reveal "E. SANCHEZ RAMADE" and flies and bounces back to his head. The cartoon walrus turned into a stylized walrus, the cursive text "presenta" writes in. It fades into a black background.


Traditional animation.


A paced triumphant theme.


Seen on a trailer of Caza Sangrienta and possibly seen on certain VHS releases from the 80s. It’s currently unknown if it seen on other releases.

Scare Factor[]

None to Low. It’s a cute logo.
