EvenEzer Studios is a film company from Ertirean.
Logo (2015)[]
Visuals: The camera zooms into planet earth with a weird effect added on to it, when it gets even closer to it, the effect disappears as it cuts to a pyramid on a cloudy sky with the camera focusing on the top part as the clouds disappears. In a small top part of the pyramid is the text "EvenEzer" with a cyan pedestal with "STUDIOS" on it with the "EvenEzer" text swirling, and bouncing on the pedestal. After a while, the text stops bouncing and stays still on the pedestal as the camera stops zooming in to it.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: A synth techno theme with a string instrument.
Title | Date of Release | Additional |
Tesfalem Estifanos | 2015 | Only appearance |
Scare Factor: Minimal.