Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki
This article, Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc. (Indonesia) (Brazil), Had a lot of Unfinished content, You can add your Own scare factor to the 2nd logo, If you want!.
M17+ Warning


Klasky csupo robot logo in PNG For the Home Entertainment variant (A.K.A the DVD logo Variant), See Drunk Raging Tasos Home Entertainment
Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc.

The logo itself (WARNING: Rip off of R.R International from India and the Company name doesn’t appear)

Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc. Is an Indonesian Home Entertainment DVD publishing but In Brazil It’s a Portuguese Game dubbing studio and The Company is in 14 countries (Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Argentina, Germany, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Italy, France, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Russia and Saudi Arabia)

The company was founded back in 2022 first in Indonesia. In 2023 secondly in Brazil, Argentina, Germany, In April of 2023 thirdly in Türkiye and Uzbekistan, In Early-May 2023 Fourthly in Azerbaijan, Italy and France. Fifthly. In Kazakhstan in May 30th 2023, Sixthly. in Bangladesh, Egypt and Saudi Arabia in August 2023, and Lastly. in August 7th 2023 in Russia

but in Mid-August 2023, a the Company was arrived and founded in 4 countries Like Vietnam, Japan, South Korea and China and Now the Company Is in 18 countries Today.


1st Logo (2022 - 2023)[]

Nickname: “The Bangladeshi, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Pakistani version of Horror Films International

On a black background, We see Very Drunk Tasos Milona from FNF and Dave and Bambi looking at the camera and starring at our soul, Which it makes it more creepier and Scary sometimes.

2nd Logo (2023 - 2024)[]

Nickname: “Drunk Raging Tasos Shooting Hunt”[]

On a Dark Forest Background, We see Tasos Milona showing Middle Finger. Then pulls it down and then Tasos Get's his Shotgun and reloads it and then Becomes a Animal Abuse Hunter or something like (e.g. A Person Hunter or a Criminal Shooter) then Tasos Milona pulls the Shotgun into the Screen and then Shots and the Bullet Jumpscare comes out brokes and smashes the Camera and then it cuts into a Static TV and a Broken glass appears on the bottom-Right and then the Bloody Maroon Red Text fades in and the Bloody Maroon Red Says this:




Then the Screen Turns off with a old CRT TV turn off effect (a la FOX Reality Original).



We heard An Edited Version of the Suicidemouse.avi Theme Plays or the opening of the theme plays on some movies and games.


Sadmin Night Death Sounds by Arguswastaken on Newgrounds plays in the Music background at 0:00 - 0:09 A gun Shot reloading, then The Shotgun shooting sound comes in when the Shotgun bullet jumpscare comes and Then we heard a Static TV sound cuz The Screen camera (or something like the Cameraman) got damaged. Through the Logo and then the TV turning off sound is being heard at the end of the logo


NOTE: Those Variants of the 1st Logos from Different countries plays another Song or theme instead of the Suicide mouse Theme (WARNING: Those Version of the Logos could give you Nightmares to death)

1st Logo[]

Indonesian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Vietnamese Variant: The Low Pitched version of Suicide Mouse theme plays

Brazillian, Argentinian, German, Japanese and Chinese Variant: Mr incredible becoming Uncanny Phase 15 version of the Sonic.exe Theme plays instead of the Suicide Mouse Theme

Turkish, Italian, French, Egyptian, Uzbek, Azerbaijani and Russian Variant: The Valve Theme plays instead of the Suicide Mouse Theme

Kazakh, Arabian and Korean Variant: The FNAF 3 Bad ending theme Plays Instead of the Suicide Mouse theme


1st logo:[]


2nd Logo:[]

Adobe flash animation and video editing

Scare Factor[]

1st Logo

High to Nightmare. Tasos Milona Starring at the camera Agressively, grumpy and creepily with the Drunk Red Eyes can Scare all the Viewers and Give some viewers Nightmares if they see the photo of it, It’s Just like Horror Films International logo from India but More Worse…

2nd Logo

Low To High. Because Due To The Tasoz Milona Shoots The Gun At The Screen.


1st logo (2022 - Late 2023):[]

On a black background, We see the Red bloody Text saying “DRUNK RAGING TASOS PICTURES INC.” fades in and then a Few seconds, It fades out.


None or the ending theme of the movie (?)


There is only a White variant.

Scare Factor:[]


2nd logo (2023 - Present):[]

On a black background, we see the Red-Maroon text set in Bold Tahoma Right up saying “DISTRIBUTED BY:” with The Text right bottom says “DRUNK RAGING TASOS PICTURES INC.” set in Bank gothic font with Blood covered (a la Font used in Columbia pictures logo print) on the right, We see Very Drunk Tasos Milona (Or Tasos Milona for short) the CEO (or the founder) of Drunk Raging Tasos International) with a AK-47 all of them Fading in at the start, But then a Few seconds, all of the logo fades out.


None or the ending theme of the movie. (?)

Music/Sounds Variant:[]

an Splitfire LABS Glass piano rendition of the noedolekciN Theme Made in FL studio 21 with Effects. (NOTE: The Preset from the Instrument as heard in the Sound variant is the LABS glass piano preset called “Piano Anthem”)


There Only The Sound variant.

Scare Factor:[]

Medium to Nightmare. The New rendition of the Noedolekcin Jingle as made in FL studio can Scare and give someone Goosebumps, But nah... It's just the Creepypasta vibes... I:)

China (WARNING: Looks like Studio Ghibli logo)[]

Nickname: “The Chinese Studio Ghibli” “The Chinese clone of Studio Ghibli”[]

Logo (China):[]

On a Dark-Red background, We see Tasos Milona being Very drunk in white outlined sketch Style and The Text on the bottom-down saying this:

DRUNK RAGING TASOS PICTURES INC. CHINA. Set in Bank gothic font (a la font used in Columbia pictures Logo print)
Then the logo Fades out…





Videos and Gallery[]

The Storyboard and Prototype of The 2nd logo (WARNING: 18+ not for kids)

Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc 1st logo Prototype

The Prototype of their 1st logo Before there new 1st logo was introduced

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The logo Print

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The logo print (White Variant)

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The logo print without Text (NOTE: DO NOT USE IT FOR DREAM LOGOS PLEASE)

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The logo print without Text (White variant) (NOTE: DO NOT USE IT FOR DREAM LOGOS)

The 1st closing logo (2022 - Late 2023)[]

Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc

This was their First 1st closing logo before they made there New closing logo

Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc

This was their First 1st closing logo before they made there New closing logo (White variant) (NOTE: the old one with white blood was replaced cuz it was too inappropriate and worse)

The 2nd closing logo (2023 - present)[]

The 2nd closing logo's Theme as heard in the Sound variant of Drunk Raging Tasos Pictures Inc. 2nd closing logo (NOTE: Noedolekcin Jingle if you ask)

Drunk Raging Tasos Empire Republic[]

Drunk Raging Tasos Empire Republic was the Omega hyper Giga Worst empire of all time, Which it was worse than the Turkish empires, Ottoman Empire, N@z! Germany, Soviet Union, German Empire, The Empire Of Japan and more Worst Historical Empires.


Their Logos in China looks more like Studio Ghibli logo But It’s an Chinese RIP-OFF of The studio Ghibli logo when you think about the concept of the logo.


External Links[]

Article of Drunk Raging Tasos Home Entertainment logo
