1st logo: On a night-sky background, a spark shoots at the middle of the screen, forming a "D". It comes again forming a "V" this time, next to the "D" and for the third time forming another "D". A curved line is drawn, and "DiSNEY", in its corporate font, goes on top of "DVD". The spark goes across the bottom, forming "Pure Digital Magic" (in the native language of the country in which it was released), and that spark appears to be a CGI Tinkerbell, who smiles at us and takes off, leaving a trail of fairy dust that dissolves a moment later.
2nd logo: Starts with the "D" in "DiSNEY" being formed, it flies around uncomfortably close to the screen. A spark flies by in tune with the music. Then the rest of the "DiSNEY" text is formed, which flies out, as this happens the "DVD" Letters fly one by one by letter. An explosion of pixie dust forms an arc around the text, completing the logo. More pixie dust forms a white bar with the text "Movies, Magic & More" (same as above in the native language of the country in which it was released). And Tinkerbell this time in a traditional 2d style flies up to the screen momentarily before exiting.
During the logos first years 2005-2007, the sky is darker. The sparks effects are different. And Tinkerbell is in her original 2001 style. She also comes slightly earlier.
1st logo: A whimsical string/flageolet theme, with a few "swoops" when the sparks fly in.
2nd logo: Same as the previous logo, with more whooshing sounds added when the "DVD" letters fly in.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo: None to minimal. This is definitely low for first-time viewers because of the swooping sound, but this is one of the best logos to ever open a DVD.
2nd logo: None; this is a very beautiful logo.