We start out with clips from Disney movies. It differs depending on the country or era the DVD was released in, but the first 3 always remain the same: Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, and The Princess Diaries. The camera then zooms out, revealing a wall of hundreds of clips from Walt Disney movies, both animated and live-action, old and new. More and more clips fly out, replacing some others. One by one, the words "MOVIES.", "MAGIC.", and "MORE." zoom out and fade out. Then all the clips come together to form the 2006 Disney Castle. The ring gets drawn around the castle, as usual, then "DiSNEY", in the famous script, fades in below.
The overture from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (also used as the theme of American Masters and the 1991 Morgan Creek logo). On the Pirates of the Caribbean clip, we hear Jack Sparrow say "We have our heading", and on the Peter Pan clip, we hear the titular character say "Here we GOOOOO!" After the Peter Pan clip, an announcer says "From the magic within our hearts...to the adventure beyond the horizon...there is only one...Disney." After the announcer finishes speaking, the fanfare rises to a beautiful, triumphant state and ends with a majestic climax.
Scare Factor[]
None. It's a very beautiful and well-crafted logo, and quite possibly one of the finest of the 2000s.